United Neighbors
The goal of the United Neighbors group is to improve life in Hazleton
After attending a ‘Healthy Church Initiative’ workshop, the leaders of the United Methodist Church embarked on a way to connect more with community members outside the church. Thus, United Neighbors was born. A Matthew 25 grant from the Methodist northeast district, which was made possible through gifts from across Iowa, provided financial support for the group.
A few positive people wanting to make a difference has grown to include community leaders, business owners, members from other churches, city officials, and neighbors of all ages. With the goal of wanting to improve life in Hazleton, the group as done several projects including cleaning up two vacant lots where a new home now stands. The first community Thanksgiving dinner drew 57 people to enjoy the feast. Bringing cheer to others was accomplished by caroling at homes and area care centers. A New Year ’s Eve party rang in the New Year! Other activities have included a float in Haze Daze parade, helping with children’s garden plots in the Community Garden, singing patriotic songs to veterans, having a Back to School Bash in the park for children and families, and building a ramp for a lady so she can get in and out of her home safely.
United Neighbors welcomes and encourages others to join or contribute financial support as the group works to improve life in Hazleton. Contact Ronda McAllister (319 636-2119) for more information.