Category: Notice
Cancelled: Hazleton American Legion Memorial Day Services
Cancelled: Hazleton American Legion Memorial Day Services All Memorial Day activities and services have been cancelled.
Emergency Proclamation
Emergency Proclamation
Fontana Cemetery Association Spring Cleanup 2020
Hazleton/Fontana Cemetery Association Spring Cleanup It’s that time of year again when the Hazleton/Fontana Cemetery Association will be doing the spring cleanup. People that would like to keep any of their winter grave decorations are asked to have them removed by April 15th. The Association will be removing all remaining decorations on April 20th. New […]
City Announcements
City Announcements The Hazleton City Hall is closed to the public. If assistance is needed the City Clerk will be available via telephone during normal business hours. The Legion Hall will NOT be rented for at least 4 weeks, it will be revisited then to determine when to re-open for renting out. The Fireman’s Easter […]
Bingo Cancelled Bingo at the American Legion has been cancelled on March 19th and March 26th has been cancelled.
POSTPONED – Hazleton Fire & EMS Soup Supper
Hazleton Fire & EMS Soup Supper The Fireman’s Annual Soup Supper scheduled for March 21st has been postponed to a later date yet to be determined.
Proposed 2020 Property Tax Levy
Proposed 2020 Property Tax Levy
Children’s Christmas Shoppe
6th Annual Free Thanksgiving Dinner
Free Thanksgiving Dinner The Hazleton United Neighbors is sponsoring their 6th Annual Free Thanksgiving Dinner. Anyone in the Hazleton area is invited to celebrate with others at this turkey and dressing meal. Turkey, dressing, potatoes & gravy and drink will be provided. Attendees may furnish a side dish of a vegetable, salad, or dessert to […]